12150 Industry Blvd. Suite 45
Jackson, CA 95642


Services Provided

Achieving Balance Chiropractic is here to truly help you with your Health Care.  Your health is multi-faceted – there isn’t “one thing” that determines whether you’re healthy or not; not your genes, your diet, your activity level, your stress level, where you live, what vitamins you take- it is all these things and most importantly how your nervous system is regulating it all.

Our goal in welcoming someone new into our ABC family is to take a step back and really look at the whole picture.  Where in your life is there STRESS, that simple little word that causes so much problem in our lives and robs you of your health.  So often around here we hear “it’s probably just stress…”.  It’s crucial to know that stress literally kills.  Stress isn’t just the daily emotional stuff that pops up to spoil your day; stress can be broken down into 3 categories: physical (overdoing or not doing what you’re supposed to), chemical (what you put in or on your body)  and your emotional stress (usually a combination of all three).

The real problem with stress is the cumulative effect on your nervous system and your bodies ability to adapt to those stresses.  When the nervous system becomes overloaded it can no longer effectively adapt to your environment and the communication between your brain and your body begin to break down- and as a result your body starts doing things it’s not designed to do.  Pain, numbness, tingling, headache, dizziness, arthritis and disease are all the result of that breakdown of your brain and body communication.  The symptoms you experience are not the problem, they are your body screaming out to get your attention, letting you know that you’re not functioning in the way you’re supposed to.

The first visit at ABC is all about determining how well your brain and body are functioning. We utilize state of the art technology backed by solid medical science to evaluate your brain body communication.  Once we are able to establish why your body is doing what it’s doing we create a plan to get you back on the right track to health.  This track will be unique for everyone, no two people are exactly the same, so no two plans are exactly the same.  Below are different tools we have at our disposal to help you with your care plan:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Massage Therapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Low Level Laser Therapy
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
  • Supplementation Suggestions


Chiropractic Table

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic Adjustments are utilized to ensure a great connection between your brain and your body.  Physical, Chemical and Emotional stresses are cumulative in effect, they diminish your brains ability to adapt to the world around you.  The greater the stress the greater the loss of communication and greater the potential for loss of function, pain and disease.  At Achieving Balance Chiropractic we use the adjustment style most fitted for the person in front of us.  It may be a traditional manual adjustment, drop-table adjustment, Activator tool,  Sigma Instrument (computer assisted adjustment) or a combination or one or more of these techniques.


massage therapy

Massage therapy

Massage therapy means many things to many people. In fact, a recently published scholarly article identifies more than 80 different styles of massage, many of which have been developed in the past 30 years! But to start, let’s simply define massage as the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments) to enhance health and wellbeing.  Massage is often used for specific reasons, such as relief from pain, stress reduction, or enhancement of athletic performance. But whether there is a specific goal or not, massage therapy tends to increase the general health and wellbeing of the recipient.

E-Stim uint


Physiotherapy modalities (Ultrasound) are used for relaxation of muscle spasms, prevention of disuse atrophy (muscle wasting), increase of local blood circulation,  reducing inflammation, maintaining and increasing range of motion, management of chronic pain, and post-traumatic acute pain and wound healing.


Erchonia Laser

Low Level Laser Therapy

The low-level laser therapy is an alternative method of treatment where the injured body part is exposed to lasers of low intensity, which stimulate the cells and tissues and quicken the healing process.  What makes the low-level laser treatment very popular is the quick initiation of healing, alleviation of pain, inflammation and no effect on the cells, which are functioning normally.

The low-level laser treatment has various benefits. It nearly eliminates pain and inflammation, restores normal body functioning without the use of painkillers, is non-toxic and non-invasive and improves the overall quality of life. The use of the low-level laser therapy has extended to the following areas:

  • Inflammatory conditions, bursitis, tendonitis, myosistis, synovitis, fascitis and other inflammatory conditions of the tissues.
  • Helps in tissue repair like ligament sprains and strains, burns, wound repairs, bed sores, ulcers, muscle tears, sports injuries and lacerations
  • Joint pains such as arthritis, rheumatic pain, joint pain like ankle, shoulder, hip and knee, carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatic pain
  • Acute and chronic pain control for back, rheumatoid arthritis, calcification, tendonitis, head and neck injuries, vertebrogenic and discogenic radiculopathy and neuralgia.
  • Skin lesions like diabetic ulcers, acne and dermatological problems



Suggested Product to Check Out




The air adjustable iSleep Bed is recommended by doctors. Each side of the bed is adjustable for the comfort that you select while maintaining support for correct sleep posture. No other bed has that capability.

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